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Showing posts with the label how to change youtube channel dp

Trick to get more than 500 Subscribers daily on YouTube channel

welcome to this blog ! Today we are going to discuss that how could we get more and more Subscribers on our newly created youtube channel. You might have read several times about the role of writing a relevant keywords rich description and title of your videos. But here we are not going to repeat all these again. Wondering !! How could we reach the 1k (1000) Subscribers threshold using a trick ??  Then lets start, if we learn it step wise then it will be more easier to understand what we have to do exactly.  As always, follow these steps: ✓ copy the link or any video on your channel or just copy the link of your channel  ✓  open Facebook in your phone and in search bar, type YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBERS. ( as show in picture) ✓ join any or as many as group you can join and after joining post your link in tha group asking about Subscribing the channel you shared .  ✓ such groups are called sub4sub groups in which members exchange their subscription. And in t

See how to change profile picture of youtube channel

How to change the profile picture of your YouTube channel     Follow the following steps :-  • open google chrome and visit • In right upper corner of google chrome, there is three dots vertically, click on that and then click on ''desktop site". (See pic 2) • Now click on the profile picture of yours on the right upper corner of the screen. • click on setting there. • after that click on the profile pic of the channel. • now click on the " customize the channel " button. (See pic 3) Pic 2 • There you can upload profile pic just by clicking on the profil pic.pic Pic 3. Pic 1 For video tutorial on how to change profile pic of YouTube channel click here